It is indeed relieving to know that Erica Nlewedim made it to the reunion and we will be seeing her at the show when they air it. This is something for her fans to look forward to.

We know how the relationship between Vee and Tolani baj has been since they both left the house and nothing has changed in that regard. It is surprising to know that they almost got in a fight, thankfully Vee was able to control the situation by walking away.

Friday the 24th of April 2021 was the last day of the shoot for bbnaija lockdown season 5 reunion. Ebuka took to his tweeter to let us know how he felt about everything and how had Dorathy reply him. See in image below.

Ka3na sometimes baffles me with her tweets. It is a common knowledge that your friend today can be your enemy tomorrow vice versa. It seems as though she made up with her enemies at the end of it all. See tweet below.

Prince writing in parables and i wonder what exactly he is driving at. He could be referring to the situation-ship he had between Lilo, Dorathy and Tolani baj.