Nengi sold shoes at Abuja trade fair. This was actually a throw back video she posted yesterday on Instagram. In the video, she told us how she would go to the trade fair at 8am in the morning and leave there at 10pm trying to sell her shoe by flora brand. Her story is an inspiration to those out there working hard and pushing to have their dreams come through. If you work hard in the right direction you certainly will get the result sooner than you might expect.

The story Nengi shared about her brand made it clear that has been hustling and working hard, not like she had her success fall on her laps. Seeing how far she has gone with her brand, you can see that she indeed does deserve all that she has gotten and even more.

Dorathy made a post telling her fans that she will be in Jamaica this month. On the flyer she shared, this trip is scheduled to be for 8 nights from the 24th of May to June 1st 2021. She said this spot is open to on 20 people and you are see the flyer below for more information.