Reality tv Big brother titans Nana f.!ghts her co housemates Over food-“If I Can Clear My Parents, I Can Clear Any D!rty Tr@sh In This House”

Nana, a reality tv Big brother Titans housemate is extremely furious today with her colleagues over food and ready to serve it hot to anybody that try her.

Biggie had just sent in some food items to the housemates, according to reality tv big brother titans Nana, their food items aren’t enough for the 24 housemates. She complains of skipping meal time because of not having enough food to eat.

In the lounge, she had a outburst were she addressed the rest of the housemates in a disrespectful manner.

Reality tv Nana stated she has been silence and her colleagues are not enjoying. According to her, if she start, she don’t care about someone’s age.

She stresses that If she can clear her parent, she can clear any dirty trash of a person in the house.

In her words; “I have been keeping quite, you people are not enjoying. Because me if I start I don’t use to care about age oooh, I don’t care about your age, if I can clear my parent I can clear any stupid person in this house.

You people are not up to my parent age if I can clear them I can clear any dirty trash in this house lemme tell you.”

Watch the video below:

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