Bbtitans Thabang and Nelisa were caught knacking in the toilet after their pool party last Thursday. Miracle was the housemate that caught them in the toilet. The relationship between Nelisa and Thabang has been a sweet and sour type of relationship so far. To be honest with you, Thabang isn’t bringing his best foot forward in this situationship he is having with bbtitans Nelisa. Currently in the house, he is entangled with over 3 ladies (Khosi, Nelisa, Olivia, Tsasti & Blue Aiva) and i wonder what his game plan is with these ladies.

Some couple of days back, Thabang chased Nelisa away from his bed, he asked to go back to her bed which she did. That got her feeling sad and she refused talking to him and when bbtitans Tsasti asked him about what had happened, he replied saying he doesn’t care how Nelisa feels about him. This incident happened during the day this past Thursday, but during the pool party, he was passionately kissing her in the garden. Afterwards, they both moved to the toilet to have sex.

Bbtitans Olivia is another lady interested in Thabang, and it seems as though Nelisa is not in good terms with her because of her closeness to Thabang. There is also bbtitans Blue Aiva in the picture too, yesterday, Olivia had an intense conversation session with Blue Aiva over Thabang. Olivia asked Blue Aiva what her relationship status was with Thabang, and she replied saying Thabang is her friend and they are not romantically involved in anyway.

Olivia was worried about Blue Aiva’s relationship with Thabang because she had earlier seen bbtitans Thabang giving Blue Aiva a foot massage in the garden.

Here is my Opinion on this Nelisa and Thabang Case, Thabang is a player that cares less about the feelings of the ladies he is playing with the house. I can’t say if he has genuine feelings towards any of those ladies he is playing with. The person he treats bad the most is Nelisa and i wonder if she is blind towards how he treats her. Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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