Big brother titan: “He’s Feeling Big” – Bbtitans Sandra Condemns Marvin For Refusing To Ki$$ Jaypee

Sandra and Yvonne are still thinking about the Friday night Truth or Dare game in which they criticized Marvin for refusing to kiss Jaypee.

Recall that there were several k!sses during the Truth or Dare game. Bbtitans Khosi k!ss!ng two housemates in front of Yemi was one of the highlights.

Unlike other people, Marvin refused to kiss his colleague even though it took everyone off surprise.

On Saturday, bbtitans Sandra spoke about how rude it was for Marvin to reject a kiss from Jaypee.

Sandra: “I will NEVER talk to Marvin again for refusing to k!ss bbtitans Jaypee at the truth or dare. Ordinary k!ss, he refused.”

Yvonne: “If it’s Blue that they asked him to k!ss, would he have refused? He’s feeling big.”

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