Ceec and Alex were involved in a very heated argument this afternoon over their wager task. Alex has been the one putting the play into writing, as the scriptwriter. She has been doing this all by herself with two or three housemates giving her moral support.
After all her hard work, when the housemate came together yesterday to start their rehearsal, most of them were not happy with her storyline.

They discarded her write-up and came up with a new storyline, Alex wasn’t pleased with that action. This afternoon Biggie had requested that Adekunle submit the two storylines they have established including that of Alex, so Adekunle then told Alex about it.
She got pissed, and she said she doesn’t want to be involved in writing and directing the story anymore. While she was addressing the house, she mentioned Ceec and Uriel, but she said they didn’t contribute. She claimed they left her to do everything even when they saw her writing they couldn’t come to contribute.

Uriel was pissed, she pleaded her case and told Alex that wasn’t the case. Uriel said she’s very diplomatic as an individual she has an opinion and all she did yesterday was express her opinion, and added that she never discredited Alexis’ work.
When Uriel was done speaking, Ceec got up and spoke, she called Alex a liar and said she wouldn’t sit and watch Alex lie against her. That was the Genesis of the fight, they were exchanging words, Alex was provoking Ceec, and they almost got physical, thankfully Venita and Uriel intervened. Watch the video to get the full gist.