#BBNaija: “You Are Too Exposed For Your Age” – Whitemoney Tells Angel (Video)

 Whitemoney said that his fellow housemate, Angel, is quite too exposed for her age, he actually said this directly to her.

He made this statement during a brief conversation he had with her and Jackie B. This statement got Angel thinking and wondering why he would say that. According to Whitemoney, the things Angel say and have done marvels him.

His words:

“Angel you are too exposed for your age. The things you say and the things you have done. The tyres you have burnt…” 

In response to Whitemoney, Angel demanded to know what she has done while trying to justify her innocence. Later that night while others where sleeping, Angel was seen talking to her pet fish about this very conversation.

It became clear that the statement made by Whitemoney got to her, at the end of her chat with her fish, she said she will continue to be herself.

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