Big Brother was fed up with the whole shenanigans that has been happening in the house so he addressed the entire house yesterday night. He acknowledged the Fact that the house is filled with diverse people from different cultures and country.
He also stated that with much diversity comes differences and confrontations however he would not tolerate bad behavior and insubordination from the housemates.
Big brother called Out Housemates For –
• Unruly Behaviour {Propensity For Issuing Threats} – Jenni O.
• Unpleasant Attitude {Aggresive Confrontations} – Khosi, Nana, Mmeli And Miracle OP.
• Bad Behaviour {Subtle Jabs} – Nelisa And Blue Aiva.
Big Brother Wonders If All These Acts Are Designed To Gain Attention…
He made them understand that this would be the last warning to everyone one and and moving forward he wouldn’t hold back from issuing punishment, strikes and disqualifications should need be. Please watch the video below
After the meeting with big brother in the lounge Jenni O and Nana were spotted in the laundry doing their laundry. While they were at it, Jenni O expressed her disappointment on her Biggie handled that fight incident that happened yesterday.
She and Nana were expecting Khosi to be issued at least a strike but that didn’t happen. Jenni O is now curious to know if the show is about peacekeeping and peacemaking.
Nana added to the conversation by saying that if it were to be the Nigerian big brother show strikes would have been dished out to Khosi for what happened two days ago. Recall that these two had a fight with Khosi two days ago and Khosi attack Nana in the process.