Bakhe Dlamini, a South African-based marriage therapist and relationship expert revealed that throughout his 10-year dating with his wife, he never engaged her in any s*xual activity. He made this announcement on Facebook in a community of psychologists and social worker group.

According to his story, he met his wife in high school back in 2001 and they started dating, their relationship was to show people that a relationship can work without s*x, so it was very intentional. He said the first time he shared his first kiss with his wife was when the priest joined them together in marriage.
Here is his full write up.
“Bakhe Dlamini is in Sandton, South Africa.
17h Sandton, Gauteng
So my wife & I never k*ssed during 10 years of dating We met at high school, 2001, were prom mates following year, and we didn’t kiss. First time I k*ssed her was when the priest said, “You may kiss the bride”, 10 years later, 2 July 2011. Both of us were virgins too. I had to be clear with her from word go that I respected her body, preferred we don’t even k*ss. I believed in being a gentleman, not rushing a woman. I also mentioned to her that I prefer we don’t even kiss because I knew that the moment we kissed, we’d fall into the trap of sex before marriage. I wanted us to get to marriage pure. We also believed in the biblical principle of “no s*x before
marriage”. So to those dating and believe in no sex before marriage, it’s possible.”