Last night was quite an interesting one, after the BBnaija All-Stars housemates settled in, they retrieved their luggage from the garden, changed into their night wears, and then gathered in the garden.
They had an introduction session, in which Crossed asked every one of the housemates to tell them what they’ve been up to, what they are doing, and also the person should shear one thing they think that nobody knows about them, which the letter change to one embarrassing moment that no one knows about.
In this writing, I will focus on the embarrassing things that the housemates said just to avoid so many write-ups.

Soma started, he spoke about an incident that happened to him at age 16, he’s mum caught him watching naked people and touching his pp when he was supposed to be out there for morning devotion.
Tolani Baj said that she was delivering at the age of 17.
Seyi spoke about how he joined a night bus to Enugu at the age of 19, just to see a girl that later dumped him.
Alex told us about how she got caught by her mom at the age of 14, according to her story, her mom had seized a naked magazine from her cousin, she found those items in her mom’s room, and took them to her room which never opened. Her friends that came visiting, her mom came to her room and found the magazine with them. She said she has been trying to convince her mom that she never opened it but her mom seemed not to believe her.
Neo spoke about living in a prison yard with his mom, he said his mom is a retired prison warder, he said he grew up with prisoners and he has prisoners as friends.
Cece spoke about her experience when she went to Zanzibar, she said that she was in her swimwear and in the pool when a security official notified her that her private part was showing and she said she felt so embarrassed.
I will finish off this write-up with Pere’s story. He said that when he was 17 years of age, he went to a church program with his mom and at that program, they had a relay race which he was part of. He didn’t use to wear boxers underneath, so he wore Jeane trousers. When he got the baton for the relay race, he ran off, while he was running he was feeling this cold breeze on his pp, unknowingly to his Jean’s zip down, and his pp was taken out while he was running. When he noticed that he just ran off of the even premises.
Angel and Soma seem to have a ship brewing, these two spent a good amount of time together yesterday night. They were in the garden together, did laundry together, and at some point, Angel gave Soma her bracelet and demanded that he also gave her his bracelet which he did. Watch the video below.