This afternoon in the Diary Sessions with Big Brother, some Housemates had an opportunity to get some things off their chests – Nominations and thoughts about the new Head of House, Liquorose.
We had the opportunity to hear from Cross, Maria, Pere, Queen, JMK and Sammie who have been Nominated for possible Eviction this week. We also heard from two individuals whom we have seen in Ship mode and they had some interesting input about their feelings so far in the House.

The Nomination
If we could describe Cross in one word, it would be “devastated”. The man who has been behind some of the spicy games the Housemates play said he was hurt, to say the least. He said he was feeling over a thousand emotions, which he didn’t know how to handle. He didn’t see the Veto power coming to fetch him as Peace’s replacement for Nomination. “Biggie, your rules, your house, your elimination is giving me heartbeat and now I have to deal with a woman I can’t understand.” The woman he is confused about is Saskay – there is just so much happening to him at the same time.

Maria, former Head of House was also emotional but for some reason, she expected to be Nominated after having miraculously survived the last four weeks – thanks to immunity. She also said the Housemates were out to get her, especially Whitemoney who she believes is fake and Pere who she hasn’t been on good terms with.

Pere, who remains as cool as a cucumber, said he had been mentally prepared for this day to come. He suspected that most of the Housemates had Nominated him based on the friction he previously had with Whitemoney. He also felt that Maria Nominated him because they haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye.

Sammie, who mostly expressed his feelings over his broken Ship with Angel was also surprised to be up for Nomination. He said he had been enjoying the House but now he is wondering who nominated him because everyone has just been smiling at him.

Queen, on the other hand, is not surprised at all about her Nomination status but she will be keeping up the positive energy for the rest of the week. She thinks all the Housemates possibly nominated her because they say she is “hot-headed”. How can they not when she nearly had her wig snatched by Maria three days into her stay in the #BBNaija House?

JMK was jovial and grateful for still being in the House this week after the false Eviction on Sunday, but she had her reservations about people in the House. The newbie who is also one of the youngest Housemates said she had been struggling to find her place in the House but she has finally found a friend in Angel and a liking for Whitemoney and Cross. The Nominations, however, reminded her that she hasn’t connected well with others in the House.

The new Head of House
They were all taken by surprise when Liquorose saved Peace instead of Maria. Emmanuel who has been long Shipped with Liquorose believes her to be a strong, energetic, hard-working and good team leader but he worries that she gets too concerned about what people think about her actions which may affect her journey as HoH.

Queen, on the other hand, feels that Liquorose is doing amazing already and she hopes she will be able to resolve disputes amicably with Housemates. Cross felt that the HoH could have chosen him as Deputy so he could at least enjoy the Luxurious bedroom before leaving the House. He wishes her all the best and thinks she will do well but he reserves his expectations because he wants to see how power works with her because believes that “power can change people”.

There was also some confusion about the HoH’s choice to make Saga her deputy. Saskay said, “I have no idea why the HoH picked Saga as deputy because I think he’s a bit too playful.” JMK also echoed this disproval when she said Saga shows favouritism and makes weird side comments.
We haven’t paid attention to those because all we ever see besides the morning workout sessions is how he stays posted by Nini. It will be interesting to see how his new role in the House will challenge the character we are all so used to.
I love pere and Maria ..I will vote for them
Cross must know theres no frienship at biggies house
Boma talks too much, he’s irritating
Yousef I wish him luck, cool and nice guy in that biggies house, I like him and he’s trying all his best to succsed, although some times they isolate him, they don’t want to be with him from day one
Boma and Sammie are too much, and thanx for Maria being nominated, its her turn know
I wish whitemoney and Housed till the end, athough sometimes whitte money sings bad and his songs maan yoo!
Whitemoney and Yousef till the end biggie
JMK is my gal