Last night bbnaija reunion was about the gbas gbos and the epic f!ghts they had in the house. So Ebuka addressed the very outburst Ozo had with Prince in house during a wager task rehearsal . He asked some of of the housemates what what thought was the reason behind the outburst and most them said it had to do with Nengi.

Trikytee particularly said he believed it had to do with Nengi and he went further to say that during that period Nengi was closer to Prince than Ozo, so that might have made Ozo unhappy with prince. Then Ebuka asked Nengi what she thought was the reason, and she said Ozo just wanted them to get their task right and win their wager.

Then Ebuka moved on to ask Ozo why him and Prince are not friends, then he replied saying that Prince had a trait in him which he didn’t like. Further more on that, he said Prince always became sad whenever he loses a task and having such a person as a friend in the house did not give him the room to celebrate his win whenever he worn a task. WATCH THE FULL VIDEO BELOW!!!