Relationship can be complicated, confusing and difficult to understand especially if you are in a relationship with the wrong partner.

Love alone they say can not keep a relationship, as it is just one factors amongst others for having a healthy and long lasting relationship.

A beauty brand and skin care expert page owner who recently got engaged took to her Instagram page to share her own secrets that helped with her relationship.

According to swiss_scarlet page owner:

 I just want to talk about relationship because a lot depends on it in life .I want to talk about bond and love .There’s a big difference between “BONDING “ with your man and falling in “LOVE “ with him LOVE might fail but BONDING will never fail.

I want to share four ways to BOND with your man that worked for me and might as well work for you .

1.Feed your man ,men are big babies and they enjoy been treated like one.As you feed him make sure you also eat from the same plate and with the same spoon you feed him with.

2.Shower with him always and make sure you help him wash his back. It will make him find you supportive ,Men stick to where they find support.

3.Massage his head whenever he gets back home from work it eases their stress
A mans stress starts from the head ,if you always massage his head ,it will make him see you as a stress reliever and he will always think of you when his stressed and needs a comforter is just like you being his pain killer 

4.Tell him you believe in him,it will make him do wonders.
When you tell your man you believe in him even at his lowest point it will give him the strength to keep pushing and he will definitely make you proud.
Men loves to be encouraged it make them do more 

Bond with your man today so that when you see a man giving money , cars and houses to their woman envy wont set in .Try this 4 BONDING TACTICS and thank me late

You might want to consider giving this a try but remember her man is different from yours, different life experience, personality and more.

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It worked for her doesn’t mean it will work for you. Please let me know what you think about her advise in the comment section.

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