”Please Don’t Make Me Loose My Cool, It Won’t Be Pretty Please.”-Maria Tells Ghanaian Author!t!es

Bbnaija Reality star, Maria Chike has publicly reacted following the news about being held by Ghanaian authorities while in transit in Ghana. Maria Left Dubai to Nigeria and was in Transit in Ghana were she was held back due to her positive corona virus test result.

According to the news out there, the Covid test done on her is fake hence the positive result, and she is currently being detained with restricted movement.

Reacting to all this, Maria took to her Instagram story to lament over the current situation and also expressed how disappointed and humiliated she feels about the situation.

In her words:

“To say I am disappointed, upset, hurt and humiliated by the system is an understatement. Please don’t make me loose my cool. It won’t be pretty please.”

See post below:

    Also Read  (video) Maria and Pere apologized to each other admitted to missing each other

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